Wednesday, April 28, 2010


When I posted yesterday about morning photography, I didn't have in mind quite as early as 2:00 am, which is approximately when I took the above picture.

But there I was wandering the house in the wee hours, and gazing out the back window, I wondered why the sky was so light & realized it was a full moon, and looked around for it.

Worth a picture.

I converted to black & white since as light as the sky seemed for that time of night, it still looked black to the camera, and sensor noise made the camera image look like a field of red, blue, and green dots, rather than the gray my eyes saw. We lost the pale flaxen yellow of the actual moonlight, but I still like the image.

For a more "morning" morning picture, I did the below after the sun came up.

In foograf yesterday, I posted about some experiments with the "plastic camera" look, and below is another experiment in that vein, this time with plastic wrap over the camera lens.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Browsing the photography shelves at a bookstore yesterday, my eye was caught by a small book titled A Year of Mornings.

I imagined a years worth of views out the same window - all at dawn or at the same time or random or something.

I was quite wrong but the book still seemed intriguing, so i have it coming from the library for a more leisurely look.

So this morning I took an early picture out the back [above] and I will see if I might be able to take a picture every morning for however long.

Maybe out the back. I've taken many shots out the back of snow or flowers or whatever, and have enjoyed the contrasts.

Maybe they will be whatever i feel like.

Maybe one of each.

I think the primary benefit for me will be to have gotten the camera out and taken a picture, instead of letting the camera loiter in its bag day after day.

Maybe the benefit will be opening my eyes a little more, seeing a little differently.

Every morning.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


The back yard of the house where Jo and her five siblings grew up.

An alternate view is on Facebook.

Today is our 26th Anniversary - Happy Anniversary, my Love.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pirate Duck

We often see ducks at the beach but rarely one quite as charming as this pirate.

The pirates friend (or owner?) obviously thought so as well.

I really should have told her about Melvin & given her the address of this blog so she could check out his adventures.

Maybe then I could have seen more of the pirate duck's adventures as well.