Webby seems a little out of sorts sitting in the front window, looking out at me being outside while he's stuck inside. A little later he made two escape attempts out the back door, but didn't get far.
Yesterday, I caught him snoozing on the back of the couch while I was experimenting with vignetting (the dark corners - not very satisfactory).
I'll try to catch Archie soon, to complete this kitty-update.
Ever exploring new ways to keep my mental disabilities from disrupting my life.
Whatever their status, they do keep me home (or close to home) a lot, and encourage explorations of therapeutic activities, such as photography and blogging.
My blogging is partially supported by my Amazon-hosted Block Play Store, which typically brings in about $2-$10 a month with a wide variety of construction sets, miscellanea, and digressions.
I like Webby
I like Kitty updates.
You reminded me that I needed to give equal time for Archie.
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