4449 climbing Stevens Pass. Outing with Dave and Mike. While trying to figure out the date of the steam locomotive picture, I found this shot taking the same day -- July 16, 2000 -- and thought I should add it to maintain the water theme. :)
Ja. 4449 is a VERY famous streamlined locomotive, but much more commonly seen in its orange and red "Daylight" paint - as shown in an earlier visit to Skykomish.
Ever exploring new ways to keep my mental disabilities from disrupting my life.
Whatever their status, they do keep me home (or close to home) a lot, and encourage explorations of therapeutic activities, such as photography and blogging.
My blogging is partially supported by my Amazon-hosted Block Play Store, which typically brings in about $2-$10 a month with a wide variety of construction sets, miscellanea, and digressions.
I love this shot of the locomotive--it looks so sleek & the rocks & trees so perfect that it makes me think of a model train set-up. Maybe Hal's. :)
Ja. 4449 is a VERY famous streamlined locomotive, but much more commonly seen in its orange and red "Daylight" paint - as shown in an earlier visit to Skykomish.
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